Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Picture for Claudia!

Hi y´all! Today, I put a picture on the blog because of a special request from my student Claudia! She was disguised as a sunflower during the last "Fasching" - carneval of course, and I tried to send her the picture but it didn´t work - so I put it on here and Claudia can see herself!
Also, the little devil on her side, that´s Susi, another of my lovely students from 2A :-)


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The first tests have been completed...

Hallo students, fellow teachers and parents!
Today, I just want to write quickly to say that most of the exams of the first part of the semester have already been completed and the many of the students have done quite well. Unfortunately, however, there are also some that need to get going and start working harder... that´s the way life goes. So, off you go, guys, and do your work - use the links to get to interesting pages and find your own info, grammar exercises, and so on...
Hallo, nachdem die erste Well der Schularbeiten fast gänzlich vorüber ist, hier das Resümee: Bei vielen gab es ganz tolle Erfolge, einige hatten aber auch größere Probleme, und sollten sicherliche noch mehr machen. Also, auf geht´s nu ma ran an die Buletten! Schaut euch an, was in den links drinnen ist, sucht euch eure Seiten und arbeitet, damit da auch was draus wird!